Teleflora's Ocean Breeze Spray
Express deep condolences and strong hopes for the future with an elegant tribute that conveys admiration, affection and respect. Lovely flowers such as white asiatic lilies and roses blend with blue delphinium and hydrangea, set amidst ferns...
Teleflora's Love Lives on Spray
Bursting with joy, this radiant spray of rainbow blooms is an exuberant tribute to never-ending love. This spray features hot pink roses, yellow roses, orange spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, green gladioli, green carnations, medium yellow sunflowers,...
Teleflora's Serenity Wreath
A ring of fragrant, bright white blossoms will create a serene display at any funeral or wake. This classic wreath is delivered on an easel, and is a thoughtful expression of sympathy and admiration. A standing wreath created from fresh white flowers...
Teleflora's Rose Garden Heart
A tender and classic tribute to a precious life. Heartfelt emotions and sympathies find delicate expression here. Lovely flowers such as light pink roses, hydrangea and miniature carnations mix with lavender button spray chrysanthemums. Approximately...
Teleflora's Glorious Farewell Spray
This glorious spray of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies is an especially fond, feminine farewell to one deeply loved. This glorious spray includes pink hydrangea, light pink roses, light pink spray roses, pink oriental lilies, pink carnations, miniature...
Teleflora's Deep In Our Hearts Spray
This rich, radiant spray of red roses, gladioli (may need to substitute as these are special order) and other popular red flowers during a time of loss conveys a message of reassurance and hope in a difficult time. The radiant arrangement includes red...
Teleflora's With All Our Hearts Cremation Tribute
Like a radiant rainbow on a gray day, this colorful bouquet of hydrangea, roses, and sunflowers brings a bright light of hope to the cremation urn and celebration of life. This colorful arrangement includes green hydrangea, yellow roses, hot pink spray...
Teleflora's Reflections of Honor Cremation Tribute
Proud and patriotic, this boldly designed red, white and blue bouquet displays the cremation urn with honor. This patriotic tribute includes blue hydrangea, white dendrobium orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, red carnations,...
Teleflora's Meadows of Memories Cremation Tribute
Note: The price does not include the orchids. Please call to get the price to include orchids. Soft lavender and green blooms to surround the urn, like a peaceful, contemplative garden. A subdued assortment of flowers such as lavender larkspur,...
Teleflora's Forever in Our Hearts Cremation Tribute
Elegant red roses and delicate greenery are a breathtaking way to display and honor the cremation urn. Red roses are arranged with myrtle, green ivy, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn. Approximately...