Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute
This arrangement is priced without the orchids. This elegant, Eastern-inspired arrangement of hydrangea and orchids surrounds the cremation urn with a natural peace and tranquility. Market Price - With Orchids $200 - With Orchid...
Teleflora's In the Garden Bouquet
In the garden, fresh flowers bloom and nature's beauty reigns. Send this pastel medley of blossoms to a residence, funeral home or memorial service to show your deep devotion and affection. 20"W x 26"H
Teleflora's Clouds of Heaven Bouquet
Peaceful and majestic in a large antiqued pot, this wondrous white arrangement is a touching tribute to a bright life, and your unending support. 23" W x 29 1/2" H
Teleflora's Bold Tribute Bouquet
A bold expression of your deepest condolences, this elegant mix of red and peach blooms in a large antiqued pot brings strength and comfort. 26 1/2" W x 24 1/2" H
Teleflora's Hues of Hope Bouquet
A colorful reminder that brighter days are ahead, this uplifting arrangement of sunflowers and roses in an elegant large antiqued pot brings joy and hope. 23" W x 30" H
Teleflora's Life's Glory Bouquet
This peaceful bouquet of soft white flowers and green accents is a beautiful message of sympathy, adorned with a large crystal cross keepsake. 22 1/2W x 18H
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
Large, glossy violin-shaped leaves are its standout feature and namesake, which contrast perfectly against a thin, svelte trunk. This whimsically classic tree adds instant style to any room in your house. And plant care for this favorite is almost an...