Teleflora's Floral Buzz Bouquet
Like a bee dancing through a hidden garden, this enchanting bouquet of orange, lavender, and yellow blooms in a vintage-inspired glass cube makes for a truly magical gift. This delightful arrangement features vibrant orange alstroemeria, lavender...
Teleflora's Dreamy Blooms Bouquet
Dreamy blooms! This stylish bouquet, featuring delicate pinks and shimmering lavenders, looks stunning in a sculpted glass vase with a contemporary art deco design. The Dreamy Blooms Bouquet features a lovely arrangement of light pink roses, lavender...
Teleflora's Bee Sweet Bouquet
Celebrate them with this captivating white, light yellow, and green bouquet, elegantly presented in a keepsake glass cube decorated with a charming buzzing bee design. This arrangement features light yellow carnations, white miniature carnations, green...
Teleflora's Pink Glow Bouquet
Celebrate the beauty of spring with this enchanting floral arrangement, featuring a delightful array of pink and white flowers, beautifully presented in a radiant pink lantern. Teleflora's Pink Glow Bouquet features an enchanting mix of hot pink roses,...
Teleflora's Gleaming Meadow Bouquet
Embrace the enchanting colors of spring with this bouquet of pink, lavender, and vibrant green blooms, presented in a striking pink lantern that shines beautifully in the light. This bouquet showcases light pink roses, hot pink spray roses, green...
Teleflora's Dream in Color Bouquet
Evoking the beauty of dreams in color, this enchanting rose bouquet is showcased in a frosted turquoise vase with a mercury-inspired finish and sculpted details, guaranteed to brighten any day! This arrangement features pink roses, alstroemeria,...
Teleflora's Chic Charm Bouquet
Elegant and stylish, this monochromatic white rose bouquet is elevated by a frosted glass vase featuring a sculpted design and a shimmering faux mercury glass finish. This bouquet showcases a beautiful all-white palette with roses, alstroemeria,...
Teleflora's Honey Kissed Bouquet
Their heart will buzz like a busy bee when this enchanting floral gift arrives, featuring serene blooms in a keepsake glass cube adorned with delightful vintage garden imagery. This bouquet showcases a delightful mix of peach carnations, yellow button...
Designer's Choice Vintage Vase Bouquet
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning arrangement in a vintage vase just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to...
Designer's Choice Vintage Vase Bouquet Deluxe
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning arrangement in a vintage vase just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to...
Spring Flower Bouquet - Standard
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning spring arrangement just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to enjoy in a vase...
Spring Flower Bouquet - Deluxe
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning spring arrangement just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to enjoy in a vase...