Designer's Choice Valentine's Bouquet
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning arrangement just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to enjoy in a beautiful...
Teleflora's Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch...
Teleflora's Regal Pink Ruby Bouquet
Sitting pretty in a shimmering pink rubellite-colored vase, this feminine bouquet of roses and gerberas is sure to tickle them pink! Pink roses, hot pink gerberas, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and green button spray chrysanthemums...
Teleflora's Blushing Gem Bouquet
Keep them blushing with the most beautiful pink Valentine's Day bouquet, elegantly displayed in a sculpted pink glass vase featuring a stunning pearlescent finish. This Valentine's Day arrangement showcases hot pink roses, pink spray roses, pink...
6 Red Rose Bouquet
Send a lovely six rose bouquet arranged with accent flowers in a clear glass vase for her birthday, Valentine's Day or any day.
Valentine's Chocolates, Plush and Balloon Special
Send this fun Valentine's Chocolates, Plush and Balloon Special to your Valentine. Local delivery only.
Je T'aime (I Love You) Willow Tree Angel
"In any language, it's you I love." A birthday, wedding, anniversary, Valentine’s Day gift that expresses love and caring. 8.5”h hand-painted resin figure Standing figure in cream dress with ruffled neck, holding red heart in hands;...
Ruth Hunt Assorted Chocolates for Valentine's Day 32oz
Made in Mount Sterling, the scrumptious Ruth Hunt assorted chocolates will sure to please your sweetie with a sweet tooth. Box may vary. 32oz (2.0lbs) - $50.00 Local delivery only.