Designer's Choice Valentine's Bouquet Premium
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning arrangement just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to enjoy in a beautiful...
2 Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift to her heart from yours.
Teleflora's Floral Harmony Bouquet Premium
Elevate your Valentine's Day sentiments with this elegant rose and lily bouquet, beautifully arranged in a pearlescent glass vase that showcases a striking geometric pattern, creating a harmonious floral display. This Valentine's Day bouquet features...
Cupid's Creation with Red Roses by Teleflora
Classic beauty and romance to spare, thanks to the graceful lines of a Couture Vase filled with stunning roses - the iconic flower of love. Like the arrow released from Cupid's bow, this gorgeous bouquet will go straight to your lover's heart...
Blooming Masterpiece Rose 18 Bouquet
The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! Red roses arrive accented with lush greens, all beautifully arranged in a clear glass vase.
18 Rose Bouquet - Choose Color
Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation or any occasion with this lively bouquet arranged with a lovely accent flower in a clear glass vase. Choose color.
2 Dozen Rose Bouquet - Choose Color
Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful roses arranged with lovely accent flowers in a classic glass vase. Choose color.