On Sale!
March Dozen Rose Special
Our Dozen Rose Bouquet has a special charm that they will love to place in their favorite room or office. This gorgeous bouquet has been picked fresh for you to help you extend your thanks and gratitude, celebrate the birth of a new baby, or wish someone...
Teleflora's Regal Pink Ruby Bouquet
Sitting pretty in a shimmering pink rubellite-colored vase, this feminine bouquet of roses and gerberas is sure to tickle them pink! Pink roses, hot pink gerberas, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and green button spray chrysanthemums...
Teleflora's Embrace Happiness Bouquet
Send a cuppa cheer with this happy surprise of colorful roses and blooms in a smiling ceramic mug they can sip from for years to come. Peach roses, hot pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums...
Happiness in a Vase Bouquet
Happiness in a Vase Bouquet is an adorable vase adorned with ten vibrantly colored Gerbera Daisies. Color of Gerbera Daisies may vary. Local delivery only.
Teleflora's Choose Happy Bouquet
Happiness, delivered! Colorful roses in a cheerful ceramic mug are the quickest way to turn any day into a GREAT day. Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, lavender matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums...
Teleflora's A Little Pink Me Up Bouquet
Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers. Whether you want this arrangement to say "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy Any Day," you can be sure the day it arrives will be...
The Candleberry Candle Arrangement
LOCAL DELIVERY ONLY. (SCOTT COUNTY, NORTH LEXINGTON (40511)) It's two wonderful gifts in one. A warmly scented Candleberry Candle (made locally in Frankfort, KY) adorned with flowers on top. Perfect for any occasion. Candle and flowers will vary...
Dozen Roses - Choose Color
Our Dozen Rose Bouquet has a special charm that they will love to place in their favorite room or office. This gorgeous bouquet has been picked fresh for you to help you extend your thanks and gratitude, celebrate the birth of a new baby, or wish someone...
Dish Garden
Offer comfort to friends and family. This beautiful remembrance arrangement showcases fresh flowers with various green plants. Colors and Basket will vary. Small $45. Medium $65. Large $85.