The Candleberry Candle Arrangement
LOCAL DELIVERY ONLY. (SCOTT COUNTY, NORTH LEXINGTON (40511)) It's two wonderful gifts in one. A warmly scented Candleberry Candle (made locally in Frankfort, KY) adorned with flowers on top. Perfect for any occasion. Candle and flowers will vary...
Teleflora's Fashionista Blooms Bouquet
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray...
Teleflora's Radiant Reverie Bouquet
Make Mom's day shine with Teleflora's Radiant Reverie cylinder, featuring a textured and shimmering gradient finish in soft purple-an elegant keepsake perfect for displaying a dreamy Mother's Day bouquet. Teleflora's Radiant Reverie Bouquet features...
Teleflora's Floral Buzz Bouquet
Like a bee dancing through a hidden garden, this enchanting bouquet of orange, lavender, and yellow blooms in a vintage-inspired glass cube makes for a truly magical gift. This delightful arrangement features vibrant orange alstroemeria, lavender...
Teleflora's Dream in Color Bouquet
Evoking the beauty of dreams in color, this enchanting rose bouquet is showcased in a frosted turquoise vase with a mercury-inspired finish and sculpted details, guaranteed to brighten any day! This arrangement features pink roses, alstroemeria,...
Teleflora's Regal Pink Ruby Bouquet
Sitting pretty in a shimmering pink rubellite-colored vase, this feminine bouquet of roses and gerberas is sure to tickle them pink! Pink roses, hot pink gerberas, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and green button spray chrysanthemums...
Teleflora's Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch...
Teleflora's Pretty Pop Bouquet
Embrace timeless elegance with Teleflora's Alluring Mosaic cylinder, radiating soft pastel shimmer that beautifully complements an overflowing bouquet of pink flowers, adding a touch of artistic charm to any space. Radiate elegance with Teleflora's...
Teleflora's Choose Happy Bouquet
Happiness, delivered! Colorful roses in a cheerful ceramic mug are the quickest way to turn any day into a GREAT day. Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, lavender matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums...
Nurses' Day
Celebrate your favorite Nurse on May 6, 2025.