Teleflora's Ocean Breeze Spray
Express deep condolences and strong hopes for the future with an elegant tribute that conveys admiration, affection and respect. Lovely flowers such as white asiatic lilies and roses blend with blue delphinium and hydrangea, set amidst ferns...
Teleflora's Forever At Peace Spray
A peaceful display of affection and sympathy, this monochromatic spray of gorgeous fresh greens and pure white roses is a vision of tranquility. This tranquil spray of miniature green hydrangea, green roses, green trick dianthus, and bells of Ireland is...
Teleflora's Sacred Duty Spray
Standing tall, proud and patriotic, this dazzling free-standing spray is like a fireworks display made of graceful flowers. Uniquely beautiful, it's a lovely way to honor a great loss. A gorgeous selection of flowers such as white lilies and...
Teleflora's Lavender Reflections Spray
Console and comfort with this luxurious spray of lavender roses, alstroemeria and gladioli (may need to substitute as these are special order). It's a majestic way to remember the departed at the memorial service. This regal spray includes lavender...