Teleflora's Greatest Love Casket Spray
A loving embrace of rich, regal roses in an all-red spray to adorn the casket. A full spray of crimson roses, alternating large with slightly smaller. Approximately 62" W x 22" H Closed $850.00 Open $450.00
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Casket Spray
Like your beautiful memories, this dramatic spray of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies will take your breath away. A fresh, feminine symbol of hope for the service. This dramatic spray features pink hydrangea, pink roses, pink spray roses, pink stargazer...
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Casket Spray
NOTE: This arrangement is priced with a substitution for the orchids. Please call to get price for the casket spray to include orchids. As serene as gently falling snow, this pure white spray of hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies is a heartfelt...
Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Casket Spray
Like a heartfelt embrace, this beautiful casket spray delivers comfort and love in an extraordinary way. A wonderful array of lavender and pink flowers with just the right amount of greenery is a lovely way to pay tribute to someone who will always be...
Teleflora's Distinguished Service Casket Spray
Note: The gladiolas may need to be substituted as these flowers need to be ordered in advance. A beautifully patriotic way to pay tribute to a loved one. This half-couch spray sends an eloquent message of strength, respect and freedom. Brilliant...
Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Casket Spray
Full of light and love, this colorful casket spray celebrates a bright life with the natural beauty of hydrangea, roses, lilies and sunflowers. Green hydrangea, orange roses, yellow spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, red gladioli, large yellow...
Teleflora's Moonlit Walk Casket Insert
This serenely beautiful arrangement of white orchids, white roses and other popular white flowers is a fitting and very personal tribute when placed inside the casket. The magnificent bouquet includes white dendrobium orchids, white roses, white spray...
Teleflora's Loving Legacy Casket Insert
Celebrate the honorable legacy of your loved one with this patriotic display of blue hydrangea and white and red roses. Blue hydrangea, red roses, red spray roses, white spray roses, white button spray chrysanthemums, and white waxflower are accented...
Casket Sprays
Below you will find a sample of the Casket Sprays we offer. The pricing is based on the picture. The options provide a choice of an open or closed casket, which will change the price.
Our standard mixed casket spray for open caskets starts at $300.00. Please call or stop by to place an order for the standard casket spray. Also, please call or stop by for a custom and/or more personalized casket spray.