Teleflora's Regal Pink Ruby Bouquet
Sitting pretty in a shimmering pink rubellite-colored vase, this feminine bouquet of roses and gerberas is sure to tickle them pink! Pink roses, hot pink gerberas, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and green button spray chrysanthemums...
Teleflora's Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch...
Teleflora's Brilliant Birthday
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful...
Teleflora's Find Beauty Bouquet
Celebrate the beauty of any special occasion with this fresh green bouquet, presented in a shimmering silvered glass vase. This bouquet includes white roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, green fuji chrysanthemums, white sinuata...
Teleflora's Light On The Water Bouquet
As breathtaking as sunlight sparkling on a lake, this peaceful bouquet of creamy blooms and fresh greens is presented in a chic, silver glass keepsake vase. Crème roses, green carnations, green cushion spray chrystanthemums and white cushion...
Teleflora's Skies of Remembrance Bouquet
As hopeful as a bright blue sky, this beautiful arrangement of lush blue hydrangea and fragrant white lilies is a heartfelt symbol of peace and beauty. Its reverent, silver-finished ceramic vase with cross cut-out will remain a guiding light to your...
Teleflora's Shining Spirit Bouquet
Show your sympathy with style and grace. A shining silver finish and reverent cross cut-out makes this stunning ceramic vase the perfect accompaniment for a lush bouquet of pure white hydrangea, lilies, alstroemeria and stock. White hydrangea, white...
Teleflora's Botanical Beauty Bouquet
Snow white blooms and eye-catching greens create this beautiful botanical gift that's a peaceful addition to any occasion. his modern bouquet includes white hydrangea, green roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, bells of Ireland, green...
Teleflora's Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet
Color any occasion beautiful with this lovely bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies in all the colors of the rainbow. This colorful bouquet includes purple hydrangea, pink roses, yellow spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, blue...
With Distinction Bouquet
A dazzling display of patriotic red, white and blue flowers sends a silent yet poignant statement about hope, freedom and the strength to endure. This proud bouquet is a testament to life that is sure to be appreciated. A beautiful mix of all-American...
Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet
Honor the memory of an always-beloved with this beautiful display bouquet. Designed to surround a favorite photo, its patriotic mix of blue hydrangea with red and white roses is a respectful tribute. This bouquet features blue hydrangea, red roses, red...
Teleflora's Gracious Lavender Basket
Soothing lavender, respectful purple and compassionate pinks are combined beautifully in this basket overflowing with pretty flowers, sincerity and sympathy. A lovely way to share your thoughts and pay tribute to someone special. A profusion of purple,...