The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! Red roses arrive accented with lush greens, all beautifully arranged in a clear glass vase.
Blooming Masterpiece Rose 18 Bouquet
- SKU:
- FA-R18
- UPC:
- ProdPro129:
- 6
- ProdPro63:
- 6
- ProdPro62:
- 3
- ProdPro50:
- 27
Annie arranged these beautiful flowers to adorn my long time loved angel. She has my angel looking her very best. Thank you Annie and Georgetown Flower -Billie Miller
I love this business. They are always very nice and very helpful and friendly They always have very neat things. Plus they carry my favorite candle, Candleberry. -Cheryl E Sidney
We have ordered from this florist a few times. I think the flowers are the freshest and they always smell phenomenal, they were even able to do an arrangement for my husband who had surgery at a moments notice. They are very friendly. I will use them for anything we need from now on. -Kim Goff
If you have not been to Georgetown Flowers & Gifts, I highly recommend you visit them. They have candles, beautiful wind chimes, anything you want for any occasion!!! The staff is very helpful and polite. This is a 5☆ place!!! -Cherish Rutherford
I have utilized this store many times over the years. They never fail to exceed my expectations. This time I ordered flowers for Mothers day. Website said she wouldn't receive until after Mother's day. Ok, i procrastinated. My fault mom...she got them the same day i places the order....i was in shock! Mom said thank you for the flowers....uhm. ..what??....Wow, so impressed! Thank you Georgetown flowers. As always, great job!! -Steven
18 Rose Bouquet - Choose Color
Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation or any occasion with this lively bouquet arranged with a lovely accent flower in a clear glass vase. Choose color.
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Teleflora's A Joy of Roses Bouquet
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Teleflora's Rose Tribute Bouquet
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6 Red Rose Bouquet
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2 Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
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2 Dozen Rose Bouquet - Choose Color
Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful roses arranged with lovely accent flowers in a classic glass vase. Choose color.
With Distinction Bouquet
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Break a Leg Bouquet
Congratulations your dancer with a bouquet from Georgetown Flowers & Gifts. The Break a Leg Bouquet is a lovely single rose with an accent flower and greenery.