Teleflora's Choose Happy Bouquet
Happiness, delivered! Colorful roses in a cheerful ceramic mug are the quickest way to turn any day into a GREAT day. Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, lavender matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums...
Minnie Inspired Box of Roses
Mickey Inspired Box of Roses Are you searching for something different for your Disney Loving Sweetie? Here it is! Premium Quality Round Floral Box, Gift Box, Set of 3 pcs with Ears Décor Sizes : L 19 cm dia. x 19 cm / (7.5″ dia...
Teleflora's Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch...
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies and pink roses dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Approximately 11 1/2" W x 18 1/2" H
Designer's Choice Birthday Bouquet
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning arrangement just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to enjoy in a beautiful...
Designer's Choice Vintage Vase Bouquet
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning arrangement in a vintage vase just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to...
Designer's Choice Vintage Vase Bouquet Deluxe
Can't decide what to order? Let the experts take over! Our professional designers will create a stunning arrangement in a vintage vase just for you! Your arrangement will include the designer's choice of fresh blooms, artfully arranged and ready to...
Teleflora's Regal Pink Ruby Bouquet
Sitting pretty in a shimmering pink rubellite-colored vase, this feminine bouquet of roses and gerberas is sure to tickle them pink! Pink roses, hot pink gerberas, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and green button spray chrysanthemums...