Teleflora's Brilliant Birthday
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful...
Teleflora's How Sweet It Is Bouquet
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a...
Teleflora's Choose Happy Bouquet
Happiness, delivered! Colorful roses in a cheerful ceramic mug are the quickest way to turn any day into a GREAT day. Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, lavender matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums...
Minnie Inspired Box of Roses
Mickey Inspired Box of Roses Are you searching for something different for your Disney Loving Sweetie? Here it is! Premium Quality Round Floral Box, Gift Box, Set of 3 pcs with Ears Décor Sizes : L 19 cm dia. x 19 cm / (7.5″ dia...
Teleflora's Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet
Color any occasion beautiful with this lovely bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies in all the colors of the rainbow. This colorful bouquet includes purple hydrangea, pink roses, yellow spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, blue...
Teleflora's Botanical Beauty Bouquet
Snow white blooms and eye-catching greens create this beautiful botanical gift that's a peaceful addition to any occasion. his modern bouquet includes white hydrangea, green roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, bells of Ireland, green...
Teleflora's Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch...
Teleflora's Make a Wish Bouquet Premium
Make someone's dreams come true with this extra-special, premium version of our Make a Wish bouquet, featuring a bigger, brighter bouquet with even more blooms in happy hues of yellow, purple, orange and red! Whatever the occasion, it's an eye-catching...
The Candleberry Candle Arrangement
LOCAL DELIVERY ONLY. (SCOTT COUNTY, NORTH LEXINGTON (40511)) It's two wonderful gifts in one. A warmly scented Candleberry Candle (made locally in Frankfort, KY) adorned with flowers on top. Perfect for any occasion. Candle and flowers will vary...
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies and pink roses dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Approximately 11 1/2" W x 18 1/2" H
Teleflora's Dressed to Impress Bouquet
Gorgeously girly! Like sending a party in a vase, this breathtaking bouquet of blushing roses and lilies is a positively pink-tastic way to celebrate someone special. This fabulously feminine bouquet features hot pink roses, hot pink spray roses, pink...
Teleflora's Punch of Color Bouquet
The bright stuff for punching up anyone's mood! Bring happiness to any day with this bold, sunset-inspired blend of hot pink roses and orange lilies in a classic glass vase! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations,...